

Perch are easily identifiable by their stocky, torpedo-shaped bodies and their bifurcated dorsal fin.
The front portion of the fin is jagged and spiked, while the rear portion is smooth to the touch. They have white underbellies and are usually bright green to olive or golden brown in colour with roughly 6 – 7 bars around their torsos. Average catch size typically ranges from 8 – 12 inches with some specimens exceeding 15 inches and 2 pounds.
When cooked, their meat is lean and white with a sweet but relatively mild mild flavour, with no fishy odour (an attractive characteristic for many). Their behaviour patterns are fairly predictable, making them a prime target for anglers. During warmer months, they congregate in the middle of lakes, whereas in the cooler months, they’ll be found closer to the shores.
Perch Fishing Techniques

With this technique, it’s as simple as allowing your jig to reach the bottom or mid-water column (wherever the fish are holding), and then moving the jig up and down at varying speeds and motions, working the water column.
With a jigging technique, it’s important to have a strong rod with a quick tip, especially if you plan on reeling in larger fish. Most anglers recommend low-stretch line such as braid or fluorocarbon for maximum sensitivity and hook-setting abilities.